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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

new studio, smoke, lamb, beer and crowds

No. 4 and her friends
moved to their new studio
happy for them
because No. 2 join the studio too

i never seen so many
sandals and shoes in this house
feels like in a mosque

you never see him, but you will like him
Mr. Why You Moving To That City
we'll gonna miss you

i bet you never seen him too
Mr. We Miss You But We Hate You Too

someone showed up this weekend!
too bad, his girlfriend cannot make it
Mr. Boy

Mr. DJ Is In The House

hey he's coming!
we don't like to call him Mister
so, hello Uncle!
Uncle Mellow

our best friend
he always be there, to make us high
Mr. Night Bats Guitarist

Ms. Thinker Belle
who got busy with all the mess
thank you :)

hey, she's living with us too
in our studio
Ms. Lil' Bunny
hop hop hop

this in No. 4 friend and also the land lord,
Mr. Grumpy Arabic Hairy Foot

the young and restless drawing artist,
Mr. Polypop

No. 4's boyfriend,
Mr.Sunlight's Moonlight

the family that we love most
they go drinks and drunk together
that's way we love them !!
meet the brother:
Mr. That Family Little-Brother

Ms. That Family The- Only-One-Daughter
who provide all the lambs
and that tasty hickory sauce

Mr. Eternal Dawn
he always wears black
if you lucky, he add some chains
in his body
no kidding.

Mr. Wo Ming Pai

No. 1 got sick that night

Ms. Mahjong

Mr. Mahjong
this couple just like envelope and stamp
they always together

Mr. Slow Speak

Mr. Too Busy To Play

Mr. Old Harajuku

Ms. Old Harajuku

Thank You guys for come and
have a rainy-smoky dinner with us

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